Microsoft Azure OpenAI deployment

Design, provisioning and deployment of Azure OpenAI Service instance and LLM models for production use, addressing Azure OpenAI specific concerns like model versioning, quotas, content filters, monitoring, security and high availability.


Your business challenges

Complex, cross cutting concerns when deploying Azure OpenAI Service for production use. Azure OpenAI Service has specific design and implementation challenges that are different from most other workloads in Azure - model versioning, quotas, content filters, monitoring and even security and high availability. 

Unless addressed properly at design stage, these concerns may break production workloads and cause unexpected costs during operations. 

Your business challenges

Our Solution

Have you decided to start using Azure OpenAl Service but feel overwhelmed by deployment decisions to make and options to choose?

Azure OpenAl Service has many design areas different from most other Azure workloads and require special attention during design and deployment.

This packaged offering is designed for you to ensure production grade, sustainable deployment of Azure OpenAl Service.

Our standard delivery process:

  • Fixed price engagement.
  • Assistance requesting access to Azure OpenAl Service (if required).
  • Design according to customer-requested models and parameters.
  • Provisioning and deployment in customer tenant.
  • Demonstration and BCDR consultancy session.

Engagement checklist and structure

1. Planning

  • Kick-Off meeting to familiarize with engagement, agree on timeline and key design targets (Quotas, Versioning, Content filters) 
  • Assisted request submission for access to Azure OpenAl Service (if needed) 
  • Review of the list of requested models and expected performance metrics

2. Design

  • Creating design architecture draft (Landing Zone design, Quotas, Versioning, Content filters, Monitoring and Alerts)
  • Design session (remote Teams, ca. 1hour) to approve Design Architecture

3. Deploy

  • Provision Azure OpenAl instance as part of the designed Landing Zone
  • Setup monitoring and alerting for Azure OpenAl Service
  • Deploy and configure requested models

4. Present & Consult

  • Demonstrate deployment in Playground (remote Teams session, ca. 1 hour)
  • Dedicated High Availability consultancy session with DevOps team (remote Teams, ca. 1.5 hour)-present HA options and answer questions
Your benefits and deliverables

Your benefits and deliverables


  • Provisioned designed Landing Zone, including Azure OpenAI Service instance 
  • Deployed models requested 
  • Deployment demonstrated in Playground 
  • BCDR consultancy session for DevOps team (remote) 


  • Production ready Azure OpenAI Service deployed to your tenant 
  • Service specific design and delivery areas addressed, such as: 
    • Networking and security 
    • Versioning 
    • Quotas 
    • Content filters 
    • Monitoring and alerting 
    • High Availability (BCDR) 

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Pakume ainulaadset kombinatsiooni generatiivse tehisintellekti, küberjulgeoleku ja infrastruktuuri pädevustest ning saame toetada kliente kogu lahenduse elutsükli vältel – alates disainist kuni toimimiseni. Usume, et tarkvaraarendust, küberjulgeolekut ja infrastruktuuri küsimusi tuleb käsitleda tervikuna, mitte eraldiseisvate valdkondadena. 

Tarnijate partnerluste abil tagame jätkusuutlike GenAI lahenduste disaini, arenduse ja toimimise. Tehisintellekti lahendused ja teenused

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