SQL Server 2016 has arrived!


On June 1st, the most powerful and secure Data Platform on the planet - SQL Server 2016 - became generally available for purchase.

More than just a database, SQL Server 2016 allows organizations to build mission-critical, intelligent apps with enhanced security, enterprise-scale data warehousing, business intelligence solutions  on any mobile device, and new hybrid cloud solutions.SQL Server 2016 delivers end-to-end business intelligence on any device as well as the ability to create intelligent applications both on-premises and in Azure.


Industry-leading OLTP

Least vulnerable database

End-to-end mobile BI

In-database advanced analytics

From on-premises to cloud

Build mission-critical applications for online transaction processing (OLTP) with breakthrough scalability, in-memory performance, and high availability.

Protect data at rest and in motion with new Always Encrypted. SQL Server with is the least vulnerable database for six years running in the NIST vulnerabilities database.

Transform data into actionable insights. Deliver insights on any device—online or offline—at one-fifth the cost of other business intelligence (BI) solutions.

Analyze operational data using R Services, in real time and at scale, directly within SQL Server database—without moving the data for analysis.

Whether data is in your datacenter, private cloud, or Microsoft Azure, get a consistent experience across server and database as a service.


SQL Server 2016 delivers unparalleled performance, unmatched TCO and is The most secure database. And we want to prove to you that there is no equal. Move your Oracle or other Commercial databases to SQL Server and receive the necessary licenses of SQL Server—free with software assurance. Take advantage of this offer and get the one data solution that has everything you need built in.

You can read blog post by Joseph Sirosh, CVP, Data, to learn how SQL Server 2016 can enable your business to lead in Data Transformation world. For more information, please contact us: squalio@squalio.com or +371 67509900.

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