Squalio achieves Oracle License Management Services (LMS) Provider Status


  Oracle License Management Services (LMS) is a global team of licensing experts and consultants that works closely with customers and partners to help them extract the full value from their Oracle investments. Our goal is to enable a more simplified, proactive, and informed approach to license management and to support customers in maintaining a compliant license estate that is perfectly aligned to business demand. Oracle License Management Services provides customers with the authoritative voice, coupled with practical advice, on all aspects of Oracle’s licensing policies. Our mission: to transform the way customers approach software asset management and to inspire more strategic-level decision-making when defining and planning your future licensing needs. We help support and enhance the management capabilities you put in place to monitor, validate, and optimise your software estate. Our Strategic Priority: Helping Customers Minimise Risk As companies evolve the way they deploy and use enterprise technologies, software asset management becomes increasingly important. The growing popularity of cloud, virtualisation, and outsourcing makes the challenge of maintaining an accurate view of the deployed license estate even more complex. Without an accurate and up-to-date view of actual license usage versus entitlement, customers can expose themselves to significant risk: Without an accurate and up-to-date view of actual license usage versus entitlement, customers can expose themselves to significant risk:

  • Strategic risk—leading to a shortfall in capabilities and business performance.
  • Investment risk—not realising the full value of the contract.
  • Financial risk—including unbudgeted liabilities and/or overspend.
  • Operational risk—lack of control over IT asset allocation and availability.
  • Legal risk—breach of contractual entitlements and corporate governance legislation.

How We Can Help 

Oracle LMS offers a range of customisable services that help customers and partners make more informed decisions for optimising their current Oracle license estate—and identifying future requirements. Engaging with Oracle LMS Customers and partners can engage with Oracle LMS at any time before or after signing their license contract. We can help you to:

  • Understand the best way to structure your licensing to meet business objectives.
  • Obtain a detailed understanding of your Oracle environment and investment.
  • Ensure asset management best practices are implemented.
  • Identify spare capacity and optimise the use of your Oracle investment.
  • Quantify and resolve the financial risk of noncompliance.
  • Ensure informed decision-making regarding future IT developments.
  • Provide for accurate budgeting and reporting.

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