Here's how you can make GDPR work for you
The main point of concern usually is customer consent. GDPR holds organisations accountable for the data they hold and use, requiring them to have a strong reason for processing data, referred to as ‘legitimate interest’ – such as fraud prevention or the fulfillment of a legal contract. Having a lawful basis for data processing is very important,
however, there are additional steps that organisations can take to ensure they are on the right path to GDPR compliance:
A key step to ensure your employees are aware about company policies, regulations, safe data processing and know how to safely handle personal data during their day-to-day activities. Remember, most data breaches occur because employees are not educated and interpret the GDPR in their own way, which can lead to data breach and violation of person’s rights, even unconsciously.
A crucial step for each business is to inform existing clients about new products and services, and also acquire new clients through marketing campaigns. However, you must remember, that there are limitations to said activities and before your employees make calls or send out emails to existing customers or potential ones, make sure that you follow through with the GDPR and also the local regulations, because more often than not, local regulations can have much stricter limitations regarding direct and indirect marketing. Make sure you are aware of the steps you need to take to ensure safe data processing and to protect your business from potential fines.
A big problem for many organizations is the formal approach to GDPR. At the beginning of GDPR era, everyone created a privacy documentation package and have conveniently kept it in some folder or shelf without caring too much. However, most organizations do not realize that these documents and policies are crucial for safe data processing and should be maintained accordingly. It means that they should be revised at least twice a year and they must reflect the real situation in an organization. More so, each new employee must be introduced with and must know that these are the guidelines for safe data processing, as well as important details about their own data processing in their workplace.
It might seem like a hassle, but while assessing the risks data processing, vendors and other activities and parties might pose to your business, you get closer to a full GDPR compliance. While conducting audits might take time, they sure help to keep privacy documents up to date, increase the employee awareness about what goes on in the organization. Most effective way to conduct GDPR audit is by inviting an independent party to ensure that the auditing process is objective. Adding to that, it can help spot the gaps and risks your organizations might have but are not noticed on daily basis. We are inclined to notice what others do wrong, but may overlook our own mistakes.