Google Workspace makes your Digital Workplace


Digital Workplace is more common than ever and the number of companies that go digital will continue to rise. 87% of small companies incorporated or upgraded at least one piece of digital technologies during 2020 alone. A majority of 58% of respondents purchased or upgraded their video communications technologies and 40% invested in internal communications platforms.  

Digital Workplace is a change in the mindset

Digital workplace is a virtualized form of traditional office environment where collaboration, knowledge sharing and work is enabled by some combination of digital applications, cloud and other technologies. It is also about changing the way of work and culture and improvement in processes. 

Work is not a location but something that can happen anywhere, at any time and from any device. 

Correctly adapted digital workplace can increase agility, flexibility, productivity, and revenue—and even accelerate innovation.

  • It helps to attract and retain the best talent and deliver efficiency in the Millennials and Generation Z groups who form the largest segment or workforce now and are used to high levels of connectivity in private lives.
  • Maintain security by removing “shadow IT” where employees use unofficial solutions to get the job done.
  • Integrate information and services from across the business to create a customer-centric business model.
  • Keep running in any situation with mobile cloud computing solutions that let people to work from anywhere and use infrastructure that handles fire, flood and other disruptions.

Google Workspace role in digitalization

Google Workspace complements Digital Workplace because they are a complete solution that can be used in tandem with existing enterprise IT infrastructure or as an alternative to it. There is no one-size-fits-all definition of what creates the digital workplace but there are several key components of Digital Workplace and Google Workspace conveniently can cover many of them.

  • Collaboration

With Google Workspace even the largest teams can collaborate in the creation of resources and materials with the agility of a small startup. These apps include Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides, App Maker, Sites, Jamboard, and Keep, among others.

  • Communication

Whether you're behind your desk, out in the field, or in a different country Google Workspace helps you to interact with workmates in real or near-real time effortlessly. The core communication apps include Gmail, Google +, Hangouts Chat, Hangouts Meet, and Calendar.

  • Security

Google Workspace provides secure cloud storage solutions that enable employees with authorization to safely access resources wherever they are as long as they have access to the internet. These include Google Drive and Google Cloud Search.

  • Storage and scalability

Either onsite or uploaded in cloud, having enough storage space and processing capacity for expected and unexpected workloads is a must. Google Workspace can offer as much storage as needed and Cloud by definition scales easily.

  • Management.

Google Workspace administrators only have to configure services from the administration console or use specific APIs for this purpose, without having to worry about the infrastructure that supports them, so the time required to make changes to the environment configuration is minimal.  

In today's workplace, it's not enough to just have a computer; you need a workspace that offers convenience, flexibility, security and efficiency in ways that bring transformation. Google Workspace is a critical part of this digitalization trend because it solves so many pain points. This is why so many businesses are turning to Google Workspace—it's not only easy to use, but it also provides the tools needed for any business owner or manager to run their company from anywhere in the world.  

  DIVE INTO THE WORKSPACE start to transform your business with Google

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