Preventing data breaches and securing private data


Problems begin when there is no uniform or centralized system for managing and securing employee passwords. Usually employees decide themselves how to store and manage passwords and keep data which can be unsafe and inconvenient. Cybersecurity is essential to company success and employee protection. 

Starting a company’s cybersecurity journey begins with wanting to centralize, protect and store all the company’s passwords, which ranged from door codes to website login credentials.  Peak Trust company before switching to Keeper Security said “Our people were using everything under the sun to store passwords, and we had no central management. Because we could not manage our employees’ password security, we had no idea what our password security posture would look like during each audit period.” 

Solution is to centralize everything within one main program

Quick tips: what are the main features to look for? 

  • Deploying a program should be easy and fast. Password and data security should not be confusing or hard.  Installing and learning how to use a software can be easy which further on will make using it a enjoyable experience and it will make employee everyday life less hard.  
  • Creating shared folders makes work much easier. Within the software, there is an option to create folders for departments to store information that the whole team needs. There is no necessity to write down everything. Shared folders allow users to support the compliance department and the information security program. “Our teams use it so much with CPAs and estate planning attorneys; they all have collaborative portals. We simply store those credentials in our shared folders, “says Lassila from Peak Trust Company.  
  • Using one master password. One password that is encrypted and known by nobody can make work and logging into websites much faster and safer. “That takes the onus of memorizing master passwords away from IT. I don’t want to know other people’s passwords.” 
  • Automatically generate new strong passwords when registering. Option for automatically generating new passwords that are strong and are automatically saved saves time for employees. “We have a lot of websites that we don’t access all the time, maybe every six months. That does not matter; employees no longer must remember where they put a password; it is just there waiting for them. It also saves time when onboarding new employees. I just give them access to the shared folders they need.” 

Bring new solutions and make people understand importance of cybersecurity. Allowing your company to change and evolve can bring positive change in employee dynamics and make workflow better. Deploying software that prevents breaches and secures company information also educates employees on cybersecurity and promotes company values.  

Every person wants their company to succeed and cybersecurity is the first step in creating a safe environment. 

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